Donal Ryan, writer
The House of Representatives and Senate recently passed several pieces of legislation relieving much of the burden of Afforda --
The US Fish and Wildlife Service has proposed to expand a refuge in Georgia, jeopardizing a nearby mining project that is mov --
The Federal Highway Administration has awarded $4.2 million through the Highway Construction Training Program to address labo --
Certain provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, set to expire in 2025, might be extended when Donald Trump begins his s --
As winter intensifies, contractors should prepare for extreme weather variations. --
The Texas Department of Transportation has unveiled a strategic plan aimed at revolutionizing transportation management throu --
The construction industry must adopt advanced technologies such as BIM, offsite manufacturing, robotics and automation to mee --
The Architecture Billings Index from the American Institute of Architects showed a slight decline in November, with a score o --