
腦瞳憫called on President Biden to take immediate steps to address soaring lumber prices, as well as rising costs for other construction materials. 腦瞳憫CEO Steve Sandherr warned that rapidly rising lumber prices pose a growing threat to multifamily housing and other construction sectors. He urged the administration to work with domestic lumber producers to ramp up production to ease growing shortages. He also called on the President to work with Canada on a new softwood lumber agreement and eliminate existing tariffs on wood products.

Measure Denies Workers Absolute Right to Secret and Fair Union Elections, Forces Them to Become the Victims of Union Disputes, Will Unleash Strikes and Disruptions that Will Kill Jobs, Hurt Recovery

Regulatory Implementation Will Not Occur Overnight

Measures Modest Amount of Funding for Infrastructure Projects and Clarification that PPP Loans May Not be Taxed Will Help Offset Some of the Challenges Facing the Construction Industry

Issued After Weeks of 腦瞳憫Engagement with SBA/Treasury

Tell the President & Congress NOW

Incoming President and Congress Should Focus on Enacting Measures to Rebuild Infrastructure and Revive the Economy and Avoid Imposing Needless Regulatory Burdens that will Undermine Growth

Officials Say Nationwide Plan Should Set Clear Distribution Priorities, Warn that Delegating Responsibility for Distributing Coronavirus Vaccine to State & Local Officials will Lead to Confusion, Delays, & Hardship