
Associated General Contractors of America Argues New Rule Exceeds Statutory Authority Under the Davis-Bacon Act, Court Agrees

腦瞳憫and Survey Partner HCSS Will Use Survey Results to Urge Motorists to Be Careful During the Summer Travel Season

Report, Titled 腦瞳憫for All Catalogues Associations Accomplishments During the Past Year

Registration is now open for the 2024 Transportation Construction Coalition (TCC) Fly-In. This meeting gives members an opportunity to hear from key transportation policy officials in DC and the opportunity to set up meetings with their congressional delegations to take the message of sound transportation infrastructure investment and policy directly to their Senators, Representatives, and their staff.

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve the way we communicate with members and 腦瞳憫chapters, we ask that you please take a few minutes to complete the following 腦瞳憫of America communications survey by Friday, March 1. The information you provide will help us as we prepare future editions of AGCs Constructor Magazine, continue to enhance our e-mail newsletters and produce future episodes of AGCs ConstructorCast podcast. The information will also help us improve our social media communications and development of future informational videos.

New Mandate will Make it Even Harder for Construction Firms to Build Projects, will Undermine Efforts to Diversify the Construction Industry and will Punish Taxpayers, Association Warns