Construction Attorneys Who Research State Laws for the AGC/ABA State Law Matrix on a Volunteer Basis
腦瞳憫member Marathon Construction hosts Rep. Mike Levin (D-CA) for a project tour of the San Dieguito Lagoon Wetland Restoration Project in San Diego, California.
On August 29, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) sent a letter to the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) requesting that marijuana be rescheduled under the Controlled Substance Act (CSA). The health agency recommended that marijuana be reclassified from a Schedule I drug under the CSA to a Schedule III drug.
In its Cemex Construction Materials ruling issued August 25, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) paved the way for unions to represent employee units without winning a secret ballot election outside the 8(f) exemption, effectively placing the burden on employers to disprove a unions claim of 9(a) representative status. A day earlier, the NLRB issued new election rules (effective December 23, 2023) that speed up the election process and effectively bar employers from litigating key election issues until after a vote. (For info on the differences between 9(a) and 8(f) union recognition, see here and here.)
The National Labor Relations Board on Aug. 25 adopted a final rule amending procedures governing union representation elections. The rule shortens the time period between the filing of a representation petition and the holding of an election and makes other changes that operate to unions advantage. Reversing regulations issued by the Board during the Trump Administration, the new rule marks a return to the Quickie Election or Ambush Election Rule issued by the Board during the Obama administration almost in its entirety. 腦瞳憫took several steps to stop the Obama-era rule including regulatory comments, Congressional lobbying, and even litigation but the rule survived all substantive challenges. While the Boards new rule could be vulnerable on procedural grounds (given the agencys failure to provide the public with advance notice and an opportunity to comment before making the rule final), its similarity to the Obama-era rule means it, too, would likely survive substantive challenge. The rule is set to take effect on Dec. 26.
腦瞳憫and the 腦瞳憫Building Division call for volunteers is now open. This is your opportunity to get more involved and share your expertise with construction industry professionals from across the country. AGCs volunteers are valued members who work to address industry issues, exchange ideas, and lead change to advance the industry. Within the Building Division, construction professionals like yourself can find many opportunities that closely associate with your roles or professional development aspirations. Complete or update the volunteer tab in your member profile by October 1 to indicate your committee interests under the Please check the 腦瞳憫Committee(s) you are interested in volunteering with field.
Dont miss the excitement of Construction Super Conference 2023. Earn educational credits in the conference training classes led by industry experts and leaders.
Recording of Aug. 16 town hall now available
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