腦瞳憫is pleased to announce that its new Climate Change Working Group will meet virtually for the first time on Oct. 30th. The working group will meet routinely to ensure 腦瞳憫is focusing on the most relevant developments in this area and providing the most appropriate and effective resources for member companies.

腦瞳憫is planning opportunities for environmental professionals to engage with your peers and learn from experts in the coming year. Save the dates now for the next In-House Environmental Managers Meeting on Feb. 7 (Arlington, VA) and the 腦瞳憫Safety, Health and Environmental Conference on July 16-18 (St. Louis, MO). Stay tuned for more educational opportunities as well as virtual town halls that are in the works.

Grant applications to reduce diesel emissions due Dec. 1st

November 6-8 at the Hyatt Regency Atlanta

According to the latest Contractor Compensation Quarterly (CCQ) published by PAS, Inc., Open Shop contractors anticipate skilled craft hourly wage increases of 4.45% in 2023 (4.30% excluding zeros). Actual increases for 2022 were 5.02% (including zeros) and 5.10% (excluding zeros). These increases are across the board for all craft, contractor types, sizes, and regions of the country. WorldatWork reports 2023 actual construction increases at 4.4%. Historically, projected numbers are slightly lower than the actual year end figure.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023 | 2:00 PM 3:00 PM (ET)

The U.S. Department of Labors massive final rule Updating the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts Regulations takes effect on all new contracts awarded on and after October 23, with limited exceptions.

12 Additional Federally Funded Projects Designated

Congressman Emanuel Cleaver speaks at the new Kansas City Current Stadium project on the first day of Construction Inclusion Week 2023