On Jan. 23, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers finalized an AGC-supported rule to define waters of the United States providing clarity when a federal permit is needed for work in or near federal waters. The new Navigable Waters Protection Rule better identifies federal waters, respects states primary role in land use and pollution prevention, and balances major case law from the last couple of decades.
腦瞳憫members and chapter staff who negotiate collective bargaining agreements for their company or chapter are invited to a half-day Collective Bargaining Seminar that will take place during 腦瞳憫of Americas 2020 Convention in the morning of March 9 in Las Vegas, NV.
Cutting Off Vital Infrastructure Funding Will Hurt Efforts to Improve Californias Infrastructure and Air Quality; Construction Association Urges Federal Officials to Give State a Grace Period
Associated General Contractors of America Selected the Kentucky Senator for His Work Overseeing Comprehensive Tax Reform, Eliminating Regulatory Barriers, Approving Pro-Employment Judges and Supporting Key Projects
On May 25, 腦瞳憫filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the Rhode Island Supreme Court in the Bacon Construction case, where the court will soon decide whether the standard form of the additional insured (AI) endorsement provided a general contractors with coverage under its its subcontractors insurance policy for a third-party-over action.
Matt Handal, Founder of Help Everybody Every DayIn a fiercely competitive environment, as weve been experiencing over the past few years, small differences can play a major role in whether you win or lose a proposal competition.
The AEC industry is fragmented and slow moving. The legal industry, which drives the structural relationships in construction contracts, is even slower to change. The combination has us stuck in the morass of contractual silos that create confrontation. Some wear this as a badge of honor. They follow a similar pathway that has been around for over a hundred years and have a mountain of case law dissecting the corpses of dead projects gone wrong interpreting this approach.
Christopher Halapy, Shook ConstructionClients needs and expectations relative to the services provided by their design and construction partners are evolving. Savvy clients have increased their demand for turnkey services and a higher level of detailed information far earlier in the project planning process. Beyond programming, owners are looking to understand milestone dates, disruption of ongoing operations, and a firm cost for the project, all earlier than this information is typically provided.
Jenny Grounds, BOUDREAUXThe idea of performing market research can often feel like a burden for small marketing groups. The everyday tasks already on your to-do list can easily fill up a 40-hour work week. Where do you find the time to research, compile, and analyze piles of data on top of everything else? Market research doesnt have to be complex or require robust, expensive studies to be effective. By breaking it into small, manageable pieces, you can gather information that will directly benefit your A/E/C firm without overtasking your teams.