AGCs 2021 Construction HR & Training Professionals Conference wrapped up Oct. 15 after two days of in-person education, sharing of best practices and networking in St. Louis, MO. The conference continues to be a must-attend event for human resources and training professionals in the construction industry.
Negotiators conducting collective bargaining between January and September of this year agreed to raise construction craft workers wage and fringe benefits by an average of 2.6 percent or $1.63 during the first contract year, according to the Construction Labor Research Councils (CLRC) latest Settlements Report. These rates are comparable with increases granted in 2020, but CLRC projects slightly higher increases for the near future.
The 2021 CCC Gala, with a theme of Hot Havana Nights started with a goal of raising $100,000 for student education in the Construction industry. Within two hours the group met that goal and exceeded it times four including generous donations of $250,000 by Procores HBCU challenge fund, a $62,500 donation and new scholarship fund established with 腦瞳憫Georgia, and a $25,000 HBCU fund donation by Bob Bowen.
Many employers are wondering about the extent to which they can incent employees and their dependents to receive the COVID-19 vaccine by adjusting medical plan eligibility, modifying medical plan premiums payable by employees, and/or excluding coverage of treatment of the coronavirus where a plan enrollee chooses not to receive the vaccine and then contracts the virus. In this article, Lockton provides thoughts on whats permissible and whats not, and views on best practices.
腦瞳憫Seeks Meeting with White House; Engaged Legal Counsel
The prices contractors pay for construction materials far outstripped the prices contractors charge in the 12 months ending in September, despite a recent decline in a few materials prices, while delivery problems intensified, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of government data released today. Association officials urged Washington officials to end tariffs on key construction materials and take steps to help unknot snarled supply points.
WASHINGTON Chicago-based Pepper Construction was named the most innovative construction firm in the country for developing a virtual reality safety training program by leveraging tools and staffing resources that were already in place to create a real life safety learning environment. As a result, Pepper Construction was named as the grand prize winner of the 腦瞳憫Innovation Awards, sponsored by Autodesk.
In a rare victory for employers that participate in multiemployer pension plans, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit has held that the interest rate memorialized in the Segal Blend actuarial assumption was inappropriate to use in a withdrawal liability calculation because it is not based on anticipated experience under the plan. While likely to be further challenged, the September 28, 2021, opinion in Sofco Erectors, Inc. v. Trustees of the Ohio Operating Engineers Pension Fund, may provide significant leverage to employers in challengingand settlingwithdrawal liability assessments, especially for employers and multiemployer pension plans subject to the jurisdiction of the Sixth Circuit (KY, MI, OH, TN).
The construction industry gained 22,000 jobs between August and September as nonresidential construction firms added employees for the first time in six months, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of government data released today. Association officials said nonresidential construction has been affected by the widespread supply chain problems, which are causing owners already uncertain about future demand for commercial space to delay or even cancel some projects.
The construction industry gained 22,000 jobs between August and September as nonresidential construction firms added employees for the first time in six months, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America of government data released today. Association officials said nonresidential construction has been affected by the widespread supply chain problems, which are causing owners already uncertain about future demand for commercial space to delay or even cancel some projects.