The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit recently ruled that Central States, Southeast and Southwest Areas Pension Fund may continue its lawsuit against Transervice Logistics, Inc. and Zenith Logistics, Inc. seeking allegedly outstanding pension fund contributions. The case examined two consolidated appeals, each involving a nearly identical collective bargaining agreement (CBA) between each employer and a union, and trust agreements between each employer and the plaintiff fund. The court was asked to determine whether the employers were required to maintain contributions to a multiemployer pension plan pursuant to so-called evergreen clauses that renewed the CBAs each year unless timely terminated.

On February 16, 腦瞳憫weighed in on a proposed rule that would create new and onerous greenhouse gas reporting requirements for virtually every federal construction contractor.

On February 15, 腦瞳憫participated in the FHWA virtual summit for Every Day Counts (EDC) on environmental product declarations to provide the contractors perspective on delivering sustainable infrastructure.

Diesel Fuel, Concrete, and Gypsum Products Continue to Post Steep One-Month and Year-over-Year Price Increases, While Prices for Lumber, Steel Mill Products Tumble Compared to Year-Ago Levels

Prefabrication continues to grow in usage and impact. It is a hybrid of construction and manufacturing. Also, prefabrication includes on-site and off-site performance requirements. As such, several interesting legal issues arise that must be addressed contractually. Consequently, ConsensusDocs has just published the ConsensusDocs 253 Standard Agreement Between an Owner and Prefabricator.

NEW! ConstructorCast: Coming to a Jobsite Near You: Hardhats to Helmets

On Jan. 31, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made a controversial decision to block or veto a Clean Water Act section 404 permit for the Pebble Mine in Alaska. Last year, 腦瞳憫raised concerns that EPAs preemptive veto of the permit would set a harmful precedent for future projects working through the permitting and/or appeals process and have a chilling effect on infrastructure development. The permit in question was undergoing an administrative appeal (still pending) following the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers denial.