Contains Q&A Section of Common Workplace Questions
Contains Q&A Section of Common Workplace Questions
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The Trump Administration recently issued two executive orders (EO) that focus on supporting economic recovery during the pandemic and recovery that could bring opportunity for environmental regulatory relief as well as risk.
On May 19, 2020, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a rule to establish consistent requirements and procedures for the issuance of guidance documents. 腦瞳憫has raised concerns previously with the use of guidance documents as back-door regulations. EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler called the proposal, 吆A] major step toward increasing transparency in EPA processes and ensuring that EPA is not creating new regulatory obligations through guidance. Comments are due on the proposal by June 22, 2020.
During the last half of May 2020, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board) issued four decisions upholding the legality of employer facially neutral work rules. Two of the decisions applied the Boeing standard to assess the legality of work rules or policies while the other two decisions restored past precedent to find that an employers property rights outweighed employees right to engage in protected activities under 禮7 of the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA or Act). The key highlights of those decisions, including guidance on drafting work rules and policies that are lawful under the Boeing standard, are summarized below.
AGCs Construction Safety, Health & Environmental Conference is the industrys foremost annual conference to hone in on the most critical safety, health and environmental compliance and risk issues impacting the business of construction. As a leader in construction safety, health and environment, our top priority is the safety and health of our members, attendees, speakers and staff. We have been closely monitoring the progression of the COVID-19 pandemic and, due to phased re-opening restrictions in our host city, Louisville, Kentucky, we will be pivoting to a completely virtual experience for our July 14-16 schedule of events. Join us, wherever you are, for the same superior educational content and peer-to-peer engagement that you have come to expect from AGC.
Gains in May Reflect Temporary Support from Paycheck Protection Program Loans and Easing of Construction Restrictions, But Hobbled Economy and Tight State and Local Budgets Risk Future Job Losses
With Needed Improvements to the Vital Survival Program Complete, Construction Official Urges Congress and the President to Act Quickly on Measures to Rebuild the Economy and Restore Jobs
U.S. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed extensive updates to the Multi-Sector General Permit, which covers stormwater discharges from industrial activity. Construction companies that perform activities associated with cement or concrete manufacturing, asphalt paving, minerals mining, or landfill operations will all likely be impacted by the changes. 腦瞳憫has several concerns with the proposed permit and submitted extensive comments with a broad coalition of industry partners on June 1, 2020.