Rep. Don Bacon (R-NE) Joins 腦瞳憫for Tour

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) released its apportionment notice, which informs states how much money they are eligible for. The $52.5 billion in apportioned funding for Fiscal Year 2022 represents an increase of more than 20% as compared to Fiscal Year 2021 for Federal-aid Highway Program apportionments. This funding is distributed annually by FHWA for the Federal-aid Highway Program based on a statutory formula contained in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. However, because the government is operating under a continuing resolution, states will not have access to about 20 percent of the funds.

Awaiting Court Decision on Nationwide Stay

On December 14, 腦瞳憫of America and two of its chapters, the Dallas-based TEXO chapter of the association, and the statewide 腦瞳憫of Texas chapter, filed suit in federal court to block the Biden administrations effort to impose a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on federal contractors and subcontractors. 腦瞳憫noted that many of its members that regularly construct federal projects are already being harmed, as key employees leave for other jobs in the industry to avoid the strict federal mandate. AGCs filing includes a motion for a temporary restraining order and statements from a number of contractors detailing the damages they have already begun to experience because of the new federal contractor vaccine mandate. That mandate is different from the broader vaccine mandate that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has sought to impose on all firms that employ 100 or more people. That rule gives workers the option to be tested weekly, instead of being vaccinated. 腦瞳憫filed a legal challenge against that emergency OSHA standard in November.

Joins DOL & NLRB in Interagency Initiative to End Retaliation

腦瞳憫 of America and two of its chapters, the Dallas-based TEXO chapter and the statewide 腦瞳憫of Texas chapter, filed suit in federal court on Dec. 14 to block the Biden administrations effort to impose a COVID-19 vaccination mandate on federal contractors and subcontractors. The groups noted that many of their members that regularly construct federal projects are already being harmed, as key employees leave for other jobs in the industry to avoid the strict federal mandate.

Updates Technical Assistance Guidance

ConsensusDocs recently posted a free webinar on Construction Price Escalation that helps owners, general contractors, and trade contractors alike navigate the unprecedented price spikes and supply chain disruptions wreaking havoc on the industry. You can access the webinar here, as well as other valuable resources available on the ConsensusDocs Price Escalation Resource Center that includes links to sample language provided in the ConsensusDocs 200.1 Price Escalation Amendment.

The White House Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) recently announced several proposed changes to CEQs NEPA rules, which impose environmental review requirements on all federal agencies that carry out, authorize, permit, or fund actions with potential environmental impacts. The Biden Administration released a statement that this is part of their whole-of-government approach to tackling climate change and confronting environmental justice. 腦瞳憫submitted comments on the November 22 deadline and also signed on to a coalition comment letter in response to the proposal.