The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit on July 19, 2024, granted the National Labor Relations Boards (NLRB or Board) motion to voluntarily dismiss its appeal of a district courts order to vacate the Boards 2023 joint employer rule. The vacatur was a major victory for 腦瞳憫and its co-plaintiffs that initiated the lawsuit challenging the Boards regulatory effort to broaden the standard for determining when an employer may be deemed a joint employer of another companys employees.

In its latest Settlements Report, the AGC-supported Construction Labor Research Council (CLRC) advises that construction-industry collective bargaining agreements settled from January through June of 2024 provide an average increase in wages, fringe benefits and other employer payments for union craft workers in the construction industry of 4.6 percent.

腦瞳憫 (AGC) of America is excited to announce that we are now accepting proposals from speakers for our 2025 Annual Convention, taking place from April 8 10 in Columbus, Ohio. This premiere event is designed for industry leaders and professionals at various career stages from construction companies of all sizes to engage in collaborative learning, network with peers nationwide, and discover the latest in technology and innovation in the industry.

The 腦瞳憫Education and Research Foundation is excited to announce that applications for their annual undergraduate and graduate scholarships are now open for the 2025-2026 academic year! These scholarships are available to students enrolled in ABET or ACCE-accredited construction management or construction-related engineering programs.

Deadline to submit proposals is September 9, 2024

Successful Outcome Could Block Federal Officials from Including Project Labor Agreement (PLA) Mandate in Projects Valued over $35 million

腦瞳憫just released a must-read for construction professionals seeking to safeguard their projects and ensure successful outcomes: "Preventing and Managing the Risk of a Subcontractor Default - A Best Practices Checklist." This comprehensive checklist is designed to enhance your risk management strategy, covering key areas such as prequalifying subcontractors, using contracts to manage and reduce risks, and monitoring contract performance to mitigate defaults. It offers practical tips and actionable insights and was written by AGCs Risk Management and Specialty Contractors Committees.