Winners of the 2015 Outstanding Student Chapter Contest were recognized at the 97th Annual Convention, during the Student Chapter Meeting, Wed., March 9. The winners demonstrated dedication to their community and public service through their winning projects. Three applications in particular stood out from the others and of America was happy to honor the following winners of the 2015 Outstanding Student Chapter Contest during the Annual Convention:
First Place: Iowa State University, Student Chapter
Second Place: Oregon State University Associated General Contractors
Third Place: California State University, Chico Student Chapter
During the 97th Annual Convention in San Antonio, TX, the Building Division showcased two excellent sessions for members including a Building Division meeting and a session entitled “Lean Construction for Executives”. The Building Division meeting had two parts with the first presented by Ashley Phelps, Lean Practices Manager with Gilbane Building Company. The session reviewed Ashley’s transition as a scheduler to a Lean Champion where she launched the Last Planner system in under a year on projects in various stages of construction across Connecticut.
At the Annual Convention in San Antonio, TX, the Building Division by acclimation elected Dave Pepper as Chairman for 2016-2017. Dave is Chairman and CEO of Pepper Construction Group in Chicago, Illinois and is responsible for overseeing the financial and operational success of the company. Dave is very active in local community and industry organizations.
Construction charity organization Charities Inc. is partnering with local construction firms to help build Morgan's Inspiration Island, a new disabled-accessible water park addition to nonprofit Morgan's Wonderland. As part of the charitable organization's annual Operation Opening Doors effort, many construction firms will donate time, expertise and money to build a first-ever accessible water park in San Antonio.
A solid majority of construction firms are optimistic about hiring in the new year, according to the 2016 Construction Hiring and Business Outlook Report from the Associated General Contractors of America. Only 6% of the 1,500 polled are forecasting layoffs, while 63% anticipate more hiring, increasing their workforces as much as 25%.
The Business Development Forum Steering Committee continues to bring more BD resources and best practices to the membership. A new section has been added to the Business Development Forum webpage titled Business Development Best Practices. The goal is to continue to develop this section of the website so it is your one stop for information regarding all things Business Development.
Time is ticking. Plan ahead and save! Register for the 97th Annual Convention, March 9-11, 2016 San Antonio, Texas, by February 29, 2016 and save up to $100 off a late registration!
Also – rooms are filling quickly remember to reserve your hotel stay!
Construction Employment at Highest Level since January 2009 As Most Firms Predict They Will Add Workers in 2016, Expect Most Market Segments to Expand
Construction firms added 45,000 workers in December as the industry’s unemployment rate declined to 7.5 percent from 8.3 a year ago, according to an analysis by the Associated General Contractors of America.
of America received applications from exceptional Student Chapters across the country. Each of the Student Chapters demonstrated a strong portfolio showing dedication to their community and public service projects. Three applications in particular stood out from the others and of America is happy to announce the first, second and third place winners of the 2015 Outstanding Student Chapter Contest:
First Place: Iowa State University, Student Chapter
Second Place: Oregon State University Associated General Contractors
Third Place: California State University, Chico Student Chapter
A positive work culture is key to employee well-being and will have bottom-line benefits for employers too, say Emma Seppala at Stanford University and Kim Cameron at the University of Michigan. They write in the Harvard Business Review that having a positive workplace culture increases positive emotions and well-being, improves employee relationships, increases workers' productivity and acts as a buffer against negative experiences such as stress. Harvard Business Review online (tiered subscription model)