Content and delivery
The module is taught in one four-day block, usually in March or April each year.
It offers the opportunity to develop further knowledge about issues in adult services, including mental health teams.
Learners are supported to consider what it is to provide effective, outcome-based and person-centred assessment and support planning within their own areas of practice.
Within this, they will identify professional, ethical, organisational, legal and policy dimensions of intervention and consider how their practice might best contribute to the promotion of key outcomes such as person-centred support, wellbeing and social justice.
The precise content varies year-on-year, reflecting practice contexts and research developments.
Learners will produce a 3,000-word Practice Analysis, in which they critically reflect on their own practice and judgment in relation to specific practice decisions.
This analysis will focus on a critical discussion of their ability to make reasoned judgment and evidence proficient skills for practice (commensurate with their ASYE status) as well as considering areas for future learning and development.