A New Billboard on I-376 Highlights the Congressman’s Vote Earlier this Year for a House Transportation Bill That Severely Limits States’ Ability to Add New Highway Capacity
of America is installing a new billboard in the Pittsburgh area to call out Congressman Conor Lamb for voting to keep his constituents stuck in highway traffic. The billboard, which is located along one of the most congested commuter corridors in the Congressman’s district, includes a link for commuters to learn more about the Congressman’s vote.
“We want commuters to understand that Congressman Lamb is voting to limit Pennsylvania’s ability to get them out of traffic,” said Stephen E. Sandherr, the association’s chief executive officer. “In other words, he voted to keep them stuck on the road, instead of being at work, with their families or doing what they enjoy.”
The new billboard, which is being installed on a busy stretch of I-376 roughly two miles west of Greentree Road, will go up today and remain in place for the next twelve weeks. The billboard will look like this:
The association is placing the billboard in response to Congressman Lamb’s vote on July 1st in support of the INVEST in America Act. That measure includes a provision that limits the ability of states like Pennsylvania to add new highway capacity unless they demonstrate to Washington that every mile of existing highway is in a state of good repair. Given the age of Pennsylvania’s highway network and current federal highway funding levels, that provision would likely block the commonwealth from adding any new highway lanes for the foreseeable future, association officials noted.
The national construction trade association is urging motorists to visit agc.org/ConorLamb to learn more about the Congressman’s vote and how it will keep them stuck in traffic.
“Members of Congress get elected to solve problems for their constituents, not to make existing ones even worse,” said Stephen E. Sandherr, the association’s chief executive officer. “Unfortunately, the Congressman’s vote would keep his constituents stuck in traffic, instead of moving forward.”