Industry Added 179,000 Jobs During the Past 12 Months with Growth in Both Residential and Nonresidential Segments Amid Rising Concern about Availability of Workers to Meet Accelerating Demand in 2014
Construction employment jumped by the largest monthly amount in nearly seven years in January, bringing industry employment to the highest level since July 2009, according to an analysis of new government data by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials noted that, at the current rate of growth, it would not take long before many firms begin having difficulty finding enough skilled workers to meet demand.
Despite a second month of unusually severe weather in much of the nation, contractors more than offset the job losses that occurred in December, said Ken Simonson, the association's chief economist. All segments of the industry added workers for the month, and the sector has increased employment at nearly double the all-industry rate in the past 12 months.
Construction employment totaled 5,922,000 in January, the highest total in 4-1/2 years and an increase of 48,000 from a month earlierthe largest one-month gain since April 2007, Simonson noted. For the year, construction employment rose by 179,000 or 3.1 percent, compared with an increase of 1.7 percent for total nonfarm payroll employment. Nonresidential construction firms added 31,300 new jobs in January and 57,100 (1.6 percent) over 12 months while residential firms added 16,800 jobs for the month and 121,400 (5.8 percent) over the year.
The unemployment rate for workers actively looking for jobs and last employed in construction declined from 16.1 percent in January 2013 to 12.3 percent last monththe lowest January rate since 2008. The number of unemployed construction workers decreased from 1,322,000 in January 2012 to 1,045,000 last month. That drop of 277,000 exceeded the growth of construction employment by nearly 100,000, implying that many experienced former construction workers have left the industry in the past year, Simonson pointed out. He said the result is in line with an last month that found many contractors report difficulty finding skilled workers.
Construction demand for workers is likely to accelerate in 2014 as more projects relating to oil and gas, manufacturing, warehouse and hotel construction break ground while demand for residential workespecially apartmentsremains strong, Simonson said. It will be a challenge for contractors in many regions and specialties to find enough employees to perform the work ahead.
Association officials called on federal, state and local leaders to take steps to make it easier for school districts, firms and local construction associations to put in place training programs to prepare future construction workers. They added that they were finalizing a workforce development plan that identifies specific steps elected officials can take to improve the quality and quantity of career and technical training programs, especially at the secondary school level.
Encouraging as it is to see firms adding job, there just arent that many construction workers in many parts of the country waiting to get called back to work, said Stephen E. Sandherr, the associations chief executive officer. Unless we act soon, many firms will be forced to delay projects as they scramble to find enough qualified workers to meet demand.