Online Introduction to Lean Construction Course Available Starting Today, Eight-Class Credentialing Program and Credential to Be Released Over the Next Three Years
Anyone interested in learning, and ultimately getting certified in, Lean Construction practices can now begin the first comprehensive education program created to train people in the practice of the ultra-efficient approach to construction, the Associated General Contractors of America announced today. The association developed the new education and credentialing program to help construction firms take advantage of lean management practices that are designed to improve the efficiency and productivity of construction firms and projects.
Lean Construction has the potential to significantly transform the construction industry, which is why we are working so hard to give professionals the tools they need to develop these skills, said Stephen E. Sandherr, chief executive officer of the Associated General Contractors of America. We want construction professionals to have access to the training they need to succeed in a rapidly evolving industry.
Sandherr noted that the association began offering a one-hour stand-alone online class designed to provide a basic introduction to Lean Construction today. He said the association will then release separate classes focused on aspects of Lean Construction over the coming three years. The first class will be available in January 2012. Once participants complete all eight classes, they will be able to take an association-developed assessment to earn a professional credential in Lean Construction.
The association has developed the new education program in cooperation with the Lean Construction Institute, the industrys leading organization on Lean Construction, the association CEO said. He added that 腦瞳憫also plans to offer two stand-alone programs a course for all project team members and a primer for construction executives.
For more information about the associations new Lean Construction education and credentialing program, or to sign up for the Lean Construction 101 class now available online, please click .