First Name Last Name Email How many times have you taken the CM-BIM Exam? - None -123 Most recent testing site - None -2017 Dallas BIMForum - Dallas, TX2018 Las Vegas BIMForum - Las Vegas, NV2019 St. Louis BIMForum - St. Louis, MO腦瞳憫Georgia腦瞳憫Houston腦瞳憫Kansas City Chapter腦瞳憫of America/Mexico腦瞳憫of America腦瞳憫of Colorado腦瞳憫of Connecticut腦瞳憫of Greater Milwaukee腦瞳憫of Kansas腦瞳憫of Massachusetts 腦瞳憫of Metropolitan Washington DC腦瞳憫of Michigan腦瞳憫of Minnesota腦瞳憫of Mississippi腦瞳憫of Missouri腦瞳憫of New York State, LLC腦瞳憫of Ohio腦瞳憫of Oklahoma腦瞳憫of St. Louis腦瞳憫of East Tennessee腦瞳憫of Tennessee腦瞳憫of Utah腦瞳憫of Virginia腦瞳憫of WisconsinAlabama AGCArizona Builders" AllianceAssociated Construction Contractors of New JerseyBIMForum (April 19 - Minneapolis, MN)BIMForum (October 17, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia)BIMForum October 19th, 2015Chicagoland AGCConstruction Employers Association- Cleveland BranchFlorida East Coast Chapter-AGCGeneral Building Contractors Assoc.- PhiladelphiaGeneral Contractors Association of HawaiiHouston Chapter-AGCMaryland AGCMaster Builders of IowaMBA of Western PAMontana Contractors AssociationNebraska Building Chapter-AGCOregon-Columbia Chapter-AGCSan Antonio ChapterSan Diego ChapterTEXO Most recent test date What Chapter would you like to retake the exam through: - Select -腦瞳憫Arkansas腦瞳憫California腦瞳憫Georgia腦瞳憫Houston腦瞳憫Kansas City Chapter腦瞳憫of America/Mexico腦瞳憫of America腦瞳憫of Colorado腦瞳憫of Greater Milwaukee腦瞳憫of Kansas腦瞳憫of Massachusetts 腦瞳憫of Metropolitan Washington DC腦瞳憫of Michigan腦瞳憫of Minnesota腦瞳憫of Mississippi腦瞳憫of Missouri腦瞳憫of New York State, LLC腦瞳憫of Ohio-Cincinnati Division腦瞳憫of Oklahoma腦瞳憫of East Tennessee腦瞳憫of Tennessee腦瞳憫of Utah腦瞳憫of Virginia腦瞳憫of WisconsinArizona Builders" AllianceAssociated Construction Contractors of New JerseyChicagoland AGCConstruction Employers Association- Cleveland BranchFlorida East Coast Chapter-AGCGeneral Contractors Association of HawaiiMaryland AGCMaster Builders of IowaMBA of Western PAMontana Contractors AssociationOregon-Columbia Chapter-AGCSan Antonio ChapterSan Diego ChapterTEXO How will you be retaking the exam: In-person Online Publish Participants who successfully complete the BIM Education Program and pass the exam can be recognized for their accomplishment on the 腦瞳憫CM-BIM Holders web directory. If you would like your name to be published on the website, if you meet these criteria, click the box below. Yes, I give the Associated General Contractors of America the permission to publish my accomplishment on their website and newsletter. Submit